Experience Cloud: User Lockout Email

Email Template Details
Folder Unfiled Public Classic Email Templates
Name Experience Cloud: User Lockout Email
Unique Name CommunityLockoutEmailTemplate
Encoding UTF-8
Type text
Available For Use Yes
Subject You've been locked out of {!Community_Name}
Body Hello {!Receiving_User.FirstName}, We received your request to reset your {!Community_Name} password. We can't reset your password right now. Your account is locked after too many login attempts. {!CASE(1, IF(VALUE(PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME) > 0, 1, 0), "Try again in " + PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME + " minutes.", IF(VALUE(PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME) < 0, 1, 0), "Contact your " + Community_Name + " administrator to unlock your account.", "")} If you didn't request a password reset or haven't tried to log in to your account recently, contact your {!Community_Name} administrator or reply to this email. Thank you, {!Community_Name}
Description Email a user receives when they try to reset their password, but have been locked out because of too many failed login attempts.